Our Students

We offer an unparalleled student experience on Campus. Come meet our community of passionate young coders and see what they are capable of!
Build On, ASEAN 2021 Hackathon by Amazon Web Services
Markus, 17 | Nicole, 17 | Jamie, 17 | Lachlan, 17 | Matthew, 17
National University of Singapore (NUS) Lifehack 2021
Daniel, 18 | Cedric, 18 | Glenda, 18
Defence Science and Technology Agency (DSTA) Brainhack 2021
4th Place
Marcus, 17
National Olympiad for Informatics (NOI) 2021
Silver Medallists
Vir, 17 | Yushen, 17
Youth Founders Summit 2020
2nd Place
Markus, 16
Build On, Singapore 2020 Hackathon by Amazon Web Services
2nd Prize & Most Innovative Award & Viewers' Choice Award
Cedric, 17 | Glenda, 17 | Justin, 17 | Matthew, 16 | Marcus, 16
Build On, Singapore 2020 Hackathon by Amazon Web Services
3rd Prize
Vir, 16 | Markus, 16 | Edward, 15 | Erica, 16 | Julienne, 16
Build On, Singapore 2020 Hackathon by Amazon Web Services
Nicole, 16 | Seth, 16 | Alyssa, 15 | Jovern, 16 | YuShen, 16
International Olympiad for Informatics
Team Singapore, Silver Medal
Daniel, 16
Youth Cyber Exploration Programme 2020 by Cybersecurity Agency of Singapore
5th place
Matthew, 16
Asia Pacific Informatics Olympiad 2020 (host country Indonesia)
Bronze Medal
Daniel, 16
Youth Cyber Exploration Programme 2020 by Cybersecurity Agency of Singapore
7th place
Jamie, 16
IB Computer Science HL 2020
Perfect Score: 7 points
Varun, 18
National Olympiad for Informatics 2020
Silver Medal
Vir, 16
National Olympiad for Informatics 2020
Bronze Medal
Edward, 16
National Olympiad in Informatics 2020
Bronze Medal
Ivan, 15
National Olympiad in Informatics 2020
Honourable Mention
Yushen, 15
International Olympiad in Informatics 2019 (host country Azerbaijan)
Team Singapore
Daniel, 15
Build-On, Singapore 2019 Hackathon by Amazon Web Services
2nd Prize & Most Innovative Award
Marcus, 15 | Vir, 15 | Markus, 15 | Craig, 16 | Christian, 16
These recent graduates of our Principles X - Machine Learning course formed a team, Team AppZappSuper, and took part in the Build-On Singapore 2019 hackathon organized by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the IMDA at the SG:Digital Wonderland fair held at Suntec City on 19 May 2019.
Over 60 teams of up to 5 participants were given starter AWS cloud accounts which they could use to access computing, networking and storage services on the Amazon cloud to build an application which addressed challenge statements in digital identity, e-learning and artificial intelligence.
Team AppZappSuper built an online video conferencing platform for students working on school group projects which used Machine Learning and video analytics to diffuse group conflict in real time - super impressive stuff guys!
Asia Pacific Informatics Olympiad 2019 (host country Russia)
Silver Medal
Daniel, 15
Code:Xtreme:Apps Hackathon by IMDA 2019
1st Prize, School Category
Jamie, 15 | Marcus, 15 | Matthew, 15
Jamie, Marcus and Matthew applied their knowledge of Game Development and Machine Learning to develop an application to gamify and encourage recycling in Singapore. Their brainchild, an online multiplayer game where you can earn in-game resources by taking a picture of yourself recycling common materials will make recycling a fun and fulfilling sight to behold! Read more about their journey here.
Code:Xtreme:Apps Hackathon by IMDA 2019
2nd Prize, School Category
Nicole, 15 | Glenda, 16 | Winston, 14
Glenda, Nicole and Winston flexed their engineering muscles in building a convenient and affordable raspberry-pi based prototype to measure water usage in real-time. They incorporated machine learning to allow a camera to accurately detect water streams from a tap, following which complex math operations would kick into action and estimate the amount of water dispensed - allowing users to monitor their water usage easily on the fly! Read more about their journey here!
Code:Xtreme:Apps Hackathon by IMDA 2019
Merit Award (4th), School Category
Zoey, 15 | Vir, 15 | Markus, 15
Markus, Vir and Zoey leveraged their skills in mobile app programming and the cloud services in building a mobile application to make it easier and safer for the visually impaired to travel in Singapore. Their application features speech recognition technology that enables users to ask for directions as well as obtain bus times - making it an accessible travel assistant that is available at all times. They have even incorporated 3D audio to help direct users to their destinations! Read more about their journey here!
National Olympiad for Informatics 2019
Honourable Mention
Markus, 15
National Olympiad for Informatics 2019
Overall Champion & Gold Medallist
Daniel, 15
Meet Daniel, one of our pioneering students with a real passion and talent for coding. Daniel has been a weekly regular on Campus ever since 2016, moving through Principles 1-8 before attending our Principles X master classes in React Programming, Algorithms and Machine Learning. Daniel won a Silver medal on his first try at the NOI in 2018, and in just two years of coding competitively, managed to leap to top position at the NOI by winning a Gold Medal and Overall Champion in 2019. What an accomplishment!
The Singapore National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI) is an annual competition hosted by the School of Computing (SoC) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) since 1998. The competition focuses on the finer points of programming, which involves useful algorithmic techniques and problem-solving skills, and is modelled after the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI), the ultimate international competition in computing organised by UNESCO for pre-U students worldwide. Solutions are judged according to their correctness (i.e., whether they produce the correct answers) as well as their speed of execution (i.e., producing the answers within a time limit).
Daniel was first introduced to algorithms in our Principles X class, which spurred him to pursue the topic further and put his competence to the test by participating in the 2018 edition of the NOI. Instead of building a tangible project, Daniel was required to individually solve and program a solution to each of 4-5 programming tasks (with subtasks of varying difficulties) over five hours. He received a Silver Medal for his efforts - an admirable accomplishment indeed! Daniel also landed an 11th placing amongst all Singaporeans at the regional Asia-Pacific Olympiad (APIO) 2018, and hopes to represent Singapore at the IOI in 2020.
Daniel enjoys coding as a hobby and tries to find time to code whenever he can, especially during the weekends and school holidays. He hopes to pursue higher studies in computer science and aspires to enter a job related to machine learning.
Shopee National Data Science Challenge 2019
Top 20% leaderboard
Maximus, 19 | Eeshan, 19
MIT AppInventor AppJamming Summit 2019
International Finalist
Nahshon, 11 | Kate, 9 | Victor, 9
Meet three amazing kids who have achieved impressive outcomes in the 2 years that they have been coding with SG Code Campus! After attending Basics X together, Team Konvicshon (an amalgamation of their names) represented Singapore in the finals of the App Jamming Summit 2019 held on 17 March in Hong Kong. What a mean feat it was edging out over 200 other participants from all over the world at such a tender age!
Konvichon built a Kultura Singapura mobile app that helps kids learn more about the cultures of the four main races in Singapore (Chinese, Malay, Indian, and Eurasian). Users embark on a gamified learning journey, by redeeming virtual artefacts earned from answering a variety of culturally-themed quiz questions.
Being the super enterprising and passionate kids that they are, it is no wonder that Konvicshon even managed to catch the attention of the Ministry of Education with their idea ;) We cannot wait to see what's next in store for them!
DSTA Young Defence Scientist Programme
Programme Scholar 2018
Cedric, 15
Cedric has been coding since he was in Primary 5, and believes that code is the key to solving many of the world's problems. In the last few years, Cedric has been fortunate to have had numerous opportunities to gain real-world experience in working with code, and to apply his passion and talent in technology to develop meaningful and impactful solutions.
In April 2018, Cedric was awarded the Young Defence Scientist Programme scholarship from the Defence Science and Technology Agency of Singapore (DSTA). He received a $1000 grant to conduct research in cyber-security under a DSTA mentor, and is currently utilising the machine learning skills he picked up in our Principles X - Machine Learning course to identify unauthorised sales postings on the e-commerce website Carousell!
Cedric is also part of a team of students from Hwa Chong Institution that was one of only 7 groups worldwide to be granted funding of $20,500 by the Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (SIGKDD) for a "Budding Data Scientist Hackathon", and is currently working with this teammates to tackle a social challenge of their interest using data science.
As a regular participant in the Code:Xtreme:Apps Hackathon by IMDA over the last two years, Cedric has also worked with his fellow Code Campers to build a smart inventory system that makes use of infrared sensors to monitor shelf levels, as well as a voice-activated business intelligence dashboard which is capable of forecasting a company's financial performance using machine learning. His exposure to these various learning platforms over the last two years has given him a taste of what he is able to accomplish with the power of code.
Code:Xtreme:Apps Hackathon by IMDA 2018
1st Prize, Junior Category
Darion, 11 | Austin, 11 | Ashir, 10
Darion, Austin and Ashir had each been coding with SG Code Campus for over a year but only met each other weeks before the Code:Xtreme:Apps Hackathon by IMDA in 2018. In the 2 weeks before emerging as champions, they managed to organise themselves, collaborate intensively together on their code and learn about Machine Learning to design and build an activity recommendation engine using Scratch X and IBM Watson.
Inspired by their experience in primary school, Team Charcoal Leaf observed that many school-going children don’t know what to do with their time during the school holidays and end up wasting it away. Many kids also do not have the time nor the resources to find courses that they may enjoy. To solve this problem, the team decided to make a chatbot that recommends courses to kids based on their interest.
After attending a holiday bootcamp on Campus together, they submitted their chatbot for the Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore's (IMDA) CodeXtremeApps hackathon. This nation-wide coding competition seeks to challenge minds and inspire innovative solutions for current issues that affect us. Each year, our Code Campers take part in this nation-wide coding competition to test their coding chops and teamwork (and have fun while doing so!). In line with the 2018 theme of “Changing Our World with AI”, teams were challenged to solve real problems and improve our lives with new and innovative solutions through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Not only did the team produce a multi-feature program free of bugs, but they had strong presentation skills, a good understanding of how machines learn and deep empathy for the end-users who would find their app useful. Combining all these strengths, it's no wonder they impressed the judges. Only more good things await these 3 young programmers!
Code:Xtreme:Apps Hackathon by IMDA 2018
2nd Prize, Junior Category
Nahshon, 11 | Kate, 9 | Victor, 9
If you ever saw these three kids coding together, you'd think they were lifelong buddies pursuing a shared passion in computer science and problem-solving. In their year of being classmates at SG Code Campus, this is not far from the truth!
Intrigued by the world of wearable technology for health monitoring, Team Konvicshon recognised that health is one of the most common concerns in our lives. Plenty of people have health-tracking apps, or even wristbands. They wanted to take it one step further by creating a wristband connected to your mobile device that can advise on on your fitness routine and recommend suitable sports, based on your age, gender, steps, heart rate and even BMI. The wristband and corresponding app, which they called “ One Step Further”, was targeted at children aged from 8 to 12, as opposed to most wristbands which are meant for adults.
After attending Basics 4 and a holiday bootcamp together, they submitted their health tracking app in the Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore's (IMDA) CodeXtremeApps hackathon. This nation-wide coding competition seeks to challenge minds and inspire innovative solutions for current issues that affect us. Each year, our Code Campers take part in this nation-wide coding competition to test their coding chops and teamwork (and have fun while doing so!). In line with the 2018 theme of “Changing Our World with AI”, teams were challenged to solve real problems and improve our lives with new and innovative solutions through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Armed with their vision of making the world a healthier and more active place for children, these kids are certainly taking their coding learning journey many steps further!
P/S: Besides their passion for coding, Nahshon is an avid badminton player, Kate loves playing squash and Victor enjoys playing the piano.
Code:Xtreme:Apps Hackathon by IMDA 2018
3rd Prize, Junior Category
Roshan, 11 | Onno, 11 | Chuan Teck, 10
Nothing fires up creativity more than boredom! At least that's the case with these 3 young coders. Team SG Coders observed their friends, classmates and family members suffer from boredom and a lack of creative ideas of what to do with their time. To tackle this issue, the team designed and built an AI chatbot to suggest PE exercises to kids in the event that they finished their tasks earlier than their classmates. This would keep kids healthy as well! The team also envisioned that this app could one day be used by the elderly as well.
After attending a holiday bootcamp on Campus together, they submitted their chatbot in the Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore's (IMDA) CodeXtremeApps hackathon. This nation-wide coding competition seeks to challenge minds and inspire innovative solutions for current issues that affect us. Each year, our Code Campers take part in this nation-wide coding competition to test their coding chops and teamwork (and have fun while doing so!). In line with the 2018 theme of “Changing Our World with AI”, teams were challenged to solve real problems and improve our lives with new and innovative solutions through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Now that they've solved their problem of being bored, we can't wait to see what they will build next with their coding skills!
IB Computer Science HL 2018
Perfect Score: 7 points
Max, 18
Computer Science can be taken as a subject for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma, which is offered by a number of secondary schools in Singapore. Students have to complete a project-based Internal Assessment (IA) as part of meeting the requirements for the programme.
Meet Max, 18, who completed Principles 7 in 2018. For his IB Internal Assessment project at the United World College (Dover), Max applied what he learned from our Principles program - using a combination of Python and JavaScript to develop a prototype web portal that allows school administrators to keep track of student attendance. Students tap into school using their student passes and attendance is automatically recorded via an NFC card reader communicating with a Google Cloud backend - impressive!
Code:Xtreme:Apps Hackathon by IMDA 2018
3rd Prize, School Category
Wen Jun, 17 | Jamie, 14 | Erica, 14
We could not be prouder of this all-girl team of programmers who impressed the judges and took 3rd Prize with their solution incorporating the use of video analytics, facial recognition technologies and physical sensors to build an interactive dashboard which allows public safety officials to monitor for unusual activities at public events.
Team h4x0rs submitted their solution for the Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore's (IMDA) CodeXtremeApps hackathon 2018, which focused on improving the world we live in by leveraging on Artificial Intelligence (AI).
In the School category, teams were given slightly over a month to build a software application which made use of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to address one of the 6 business problems posed by the various corporate sponsors. On the day of the hackathon, teams then had 24 hours to incorporate technical features into their software builds on location which met a hidden "twist" requirement.
Code:Xtreme:Apps Hackathon by IMDA 2018
Top 9 Finalists, School Category
Jun, 17 | Justin, 15 | Vir, 14
An honourable mention goes to Jun, Justin and Vir who achieved a Top 9 finalist position with their solution which allows for rapid web search through the use of data visualisation techniques and natural language processing.
Team JVJ took part in the School category of the Infocomm Media Development Authority of Singapore's (IMDA) CodeXtremeApps hackathon, which focused on improving the world we live in by leveraging on Artificial Intelligence (AI).
In this category, teams were given slightly over a month to build a software application which made use of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies to address one of the 6 business problems posed by the various corporate sponsors. On the day of the hackathon, teams then had 24 hours to incorporate technical features into their software builds on location which met a hidden “twist” requirement.
National Olympiad in Informatics 2017
Bronze Medal
Wen Jun, 16
Direct School Admissions - NUS High
Admitted via Talent in STEM
Yawen, 12
Yawen is one of a small handful of primary school kids currently in our Principles sequence. She has been coding religiously with SG Code Campus over the past 2 years, taking courses almost every school term and school holiday without fail. Starting from Basics 3 at 10 years old, she has worked her way through our roadmap, and has most recently completed Principles 5.
Equipped with the skills from her Principles 4 course, Yawen utilised Python and the PyGame library to build this runner game. While it may look simple, the code behind this game is actually very complex. Coding in a full syntax language is challenging, and kids will need to minimally complete and excel in Principles 4 before they will be able to produce a program that looks like this, written in Python.
Code:Xtreme:Apps Hackathon by IMDA 2017
3rd Prize, School Category
Cedric, 14 | Daniel, 13 | Elliot, 14
Meet our Principles students who took part in the 2017 Edition of the IMDA Code:XtremeApps Hackathon. Centred around the theme of "My Smart City: Connecting Our Senses", the competition challenged participants to solve real problems from organisations across various sectors using Internet of Things (IoT) technology and standards.
The teams worked over 24 gruelling hours straight to create prototypes of a smart shelving unit which made use of infrared sensors and a video camera to broadcast its storage capacity over the internet. The capacity data was then consumed by a dashboard built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript which allowed for the monitoring of items stored in real time.
Cedric, Daniel and Elliot’s solution won them the 3rd Prize in the School category - a formidable achievement after only 8 months of coding with us on Campus, and at the time, completing Principles 5.
Code:Xtreme:Apps Hackathon by IMDA 2017
Top 6 Finalists, School Category
Jamie, 13 | Marcus, 13 | Matthew, 13
The team of Jamie, Marcus and Matthew placed in the Top 6 - an impressive result for Code Campers who were absolute beginners less than a year before and had graduated from Principles 3 just prior to the competition!
The 2017 Edition of the IMDA Code:XtremeApps Hackathon centred on the theme of "My Smart City: Connecting Our Senses". The competition challenged participants to solve real problems from organisations across various sectors using Internet of Things (IoT) technology and standards.
The teams worked over 24 gruelling hours straight to create prototypes of a smart shelving unit which made use of infrared sensors and a video camera to broadcast its storage capacity over the internet. The capacity data was then consumed by a dashboard built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript which allowed for the monitoring of items stored in real time.